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Acs Logistics

Welcome to Acslogistics. We offer complete services in the field of our activity. Feel free to visit us in our modern facilities. We offer high quality services at reasonable prices, but also the assistance of our fully trained professional staff. So feel free to visit our company.

Our priority is customer satisfaction and therefore we strive for professionalism. With our long experience we can guarantee the best service at reasonable prices. We make sure that our fully trained staff is always available to you. We prefer an individual approach, and therefore fully focused on the needs and requirements of each customer. In pursuing your ideas are quite rigorous and professional.



Jl. Surya Dharma Raya, Blok BK.6, Pondok Gede
Bekasi 17410, West Java - Indonesia.

Tel. +622184306643, 622191240264

Fax: +6221.85916501

Email: acslog@boxbe.com / acslines@boxbe.com

Web. https://acslines.webnode.com


Write to us with your feedback

2004-04-01 01:28
Would you like to ask us questions about the services we have available?
Please contact us anytime when you have any further informations and for any rates inquiry. Our Marketing in charge will provide on your needs as soon as posible. We love tobe your reliable partner in Worldwide Transportation Solution.

Branch and Agencies Office:

2004-04-01 01:27
ACS Branch Office in Indonesia: ACS Log - Semarang, ACS Log - Surabaya, ACS Log - Bali, ACS Log - Makasar, ACS Log - Balikpapan, ACS Log Palembang, ACS Log - Medan.
International Agencies: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Korea, Yangoon, Vietnam, Osaka Japan, Philipines, Sydney, Melbourne Australia, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Qindao, Guangzhou, Fujian, India, Srilanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Abudhabi, Hamburg, Amsterdam, United Kingdom, USA Main port City and many others.   


Strong Point: 

ACS Lines Service:

Air and Sea Export based on Consolidate cargo shipment by regular schedule from Jakata, Semarang and Surabaya in twice a week.

FCL to many destinations POD into US main port (NYK, MIA, LGB etc) and up to Brazil.


ACS Logistics service:

Local Distribution service Provider in Indonesia.

Insular shipment to any major City port in Indonesia: Balikpapan, Bandjarmasin, Samarinda, Tarakan, Makasar, Belawan - Medan, Batam, Pekan Baru, Sorong, Biak and Djayapura. 

Project cargo services by LCT and Bulk Vessel cargo based on Tramper shipment.




Console shipment

World Cargo Association


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Bonded warehouse regulation in Indonesia

14/05/2011 23:46
BONDED WAREHOUSE     LEGAL BASIS § Law Number 10 Year 1995 on Customs. § Law Number 11 Year 1995 on Excise. § Government Regulation Number 33 Year 1996 on Bonded Storage as revised by  Government Regulation Number 43 Year 1997. § Minister of Finance Decree Number 399/KMK.01/1996...

Open Infestation business in Indonesia

14/05/2011 17:20
LInvestment, Infrastructure and Business Facilities By:  Anton / 15 March 2011 INVESTMENT FACILITIES Bonded Zones Bonded Zone means a zone with particular boundaries within which processing of goods and materials, construction designing, engineering activity, sorting, preliminary inspection,...

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Export - Import regulation in Indonesia

Date: 09/12/2020

By: Pharmacylusty

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Date: 09/12/2020

By: ColorExcut

Subject: Amazing Coloring Pages for boys

Children of all ages proclivity to rely - that's why there is nothing unbelievable that coloring pages are so expatiate stylish with kids.
Coloring is a damned flirtatious children's amusement, which, further, plays a extraordinary lines in the evolution of the child.
Here are 5 reasons why it's important coloring pages for kids.
1. About painting a paint, the descendant learns the wonderful - he recognizes an unanticipated to or social phenomenon, sees and remembers its cast, experiments with color, remembers whether or not he has seen such an aim in his life. With the attest to of coloring pages, you can learn colors, numbers, letters and shapes with your children.
2. Coloring promotes the maturing of seemly motor skills and clapping, which in move around develops the woman's ruminative, and also develops the participation looking as a replacement for give up disapproval skills.
3. When coloring, the infant develops publicity, last choose and testament and
stubbornness, because you demand to repair not to zoom the announcement, not to go out beyond the boundaries of the drawing. Such an movement, in a perceive, disciplines the babe - performing ho-hum and routine hopped, the kid learns to disregard himself, learns to yield what has been started to the end.
4. In the proceed towards of coloring, the baby also learns to independently select colors, dilemma them with each other, and this develops artistic abilities and imagination. Coloring pages are the monogram canal of a adolescent into the everybody of creativity, into the people of nice art. Correctly selected coloring pages lay open an artistic taste.
5. Coloring pages can be a accept business of spending years with children and parents - all children beloved it when adults participate in their games or activities.
6. Coloring is a all right method to avert a toddler's publicity, shunt him from a stressful situation. Such an work calms the teenaged's worked up system doubtlessly and allows at lone to skip municipality from problems and unpleasant thoughts.

Date: 09/12/2020

By: IzoldaShism

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Date: 09/12/2020

By: GlennLon

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Date: 09/12/2020

By: WinnerruPr

Subject: Москвич сделал одиночную ставку в лотерею Powerball на сайте Agentlotto и на утро не поверил своим глазам

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Можете представить себе: вы просыпаетесь, как обычно просматриваете входящие смс-уведомления на телефоне и обнаруживаете, что вдруг стали миллионером.
Именно это случилось в среду с Сергеем Л. из Москвы.
Причиной всему популярная Американская игра Powerball, в которой Сергей выиграл приз в $ 35 000, что в рублях составляет примерно 2.6 миллиона.

Сказать, что счастливый москвич был шокирован этой новостью, — это ничего не сказать!
"Утром, как обычно, приходит уведомление на почту (у меня все в телефоне). Так как мелких призов куча, я подумал, опять "семечки" пришли.
Открываю и не поверил сначала, думал, ошибка, зашёл в кабинет — нет, не ошибка!" — рассказал Сергей сервису Lotto Agent, с помощью которого и сделал ту самую победную ставку.

А от выигрыша главного приза в $ 231 000 000 игрока Сергея Л. отделял всего лишь один не угаданный номер.
Справа — кадр из официального видео розыгрыша Powerball, слева — скриншот ставки Сергея. Сергей не угадал только шар с номером - 40.

"В чем секрет Сергея?" — спросите вы.
В подборе номеров ему не помогала ни нумерология, ни магия, ни математика.
Все оказалось значительно проще — победные номера за Сергея выбрала функция - "Авто-выбор".

Победитель рассказывает, что совсем не хотел участвовать в том розыгрыше:
"Самое удивительное, что именно в этой лотерее я не собирался участвовать — вот хочешь верь, хочешь нет.
Что-то нашло вечером, пять секунд — и дело сделано".

Какой же он, счастливый победитель?
Оказывается, обычный человек, похожий на каждого из нас:
"Я работаю ведущим специалистом на производственном предприятии, жена — врач и маленький сынишка.
Мы живём как все обычные семьи — занимаемся спортом, выезжаем на природу на барбекю.

Изучаем и читаем классическую литературу. Я в данный момент ещё занимаюсь Английским онлайн."
Немаленький Приз пришёлся Сергею очень кстати, ведь это ещё одна возможность по-особенному поздравить своих родных с Новым Годом:
"Я никому не говорю из родных, потому что люблю делать подарки и сюрпризы — я хочу всех поздравить с Рождеством, как они этого не ожидали!"
Никаких масштабных затрат счастливый победитель пока не планирует: некоторую часть выигрыша хочет отдать нуждающимся, а другую часть вложить трейдерский счёт.

Каждый мечтал бы хоть на секунду очутиться на месте Сергея!
Но, Слава Богу, розыгрыши Powerball не завершаются — совсем скоро будет разыгран Главный Приз свыше $ 250 000 000.
Эта Американская игра подарила миллионы долларов уже многим игрокам, а Сергея она сделала обладателем крупнейшего выигранного приза на территории России.
Интересно, кто сможет побить его рекорд?

Date: 08/12/2020

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Date: 08/12/2020

By: JaimeWiX

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Date: 08/12/2020

By: RonaldVow

Subject: patriotic ceremony malaysia essay

The coronavirus pandemic has phoney universities to change-over to interval learning. essay custom writing service <a href=https://goodthesisstatementsdsa.com/>thesis database</a> essay writing service mba.
But what is happening nowadays can be called an crisis delivery of content to audience members in self-isolation . A lot of the universities and educators themselves were not prepared for the move to online. According to a 2019 HSE study, University educators with an academic degree rate their level of proficiency in remote technologies at 3.2 points out of five. One in four persons has never utilized remote video services get in webinars or video conferences in the past three years.
But educators are not required to own online learning technologies. They were simply not prepared for this, although education and its advanced methods are the main function of schools. Try to oblige the surgeon to do their work in self-isolation. Let him explain to the patient via Skype how to remove his appendicitis. It sounds absurd. Thus, the resourcefulness with which professors adapt to the remote format is commendable.

Sometimes it is funny. Colleagues from regional universities told that some professors asked to write lectures by hand and send them scans for verification.Today, people communicate remotely in real time thanks to digital technologies, students can "raise their hands" with a single button, they can write with a finger on a tablet as on a blackboard, and they are told: "Please write a handwritten summary and send the scan." Or, for example, this case: a physical education professor asked students to shoot five-minute videos where they make physical exercises. Although remote physical education training can be more originative, for example, you can make a selection of ready-made videos on YouTube, find checklists in the official domain, and teach them to play sports online, while you can't go anywhere anywhere.

University professors are faced with a lack of guidance and problems in dealing with organizational matters. Some of them educate on Skype, some of them -in Zoom, some of them only sends lectures to WhatsApp. Some professors record lessons on a webcam and send them to their students. The quality of such materials is insufficient, and it is hard to perceive them. At least because the videos on YouTube, which students are used to, is shot and edited professionally and the viewer is spoiled by the quality of video materials.
There are also difficulties with monitoring attendance. Some teachers ask you to put a " + " in the chat, others require you to turn on Webcams and take screenshots of students. Against the background of all the misunderstandings and troubles, one element of academic life remains unchanged - assessment. Students don't study on campus, but they will get grades, even formal ones.
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Learning online from home does not have these disadvantages, because it is built on a carefully designed learning process in an electronic information and educational environment. Educators have instructions, manuals, memos,checklists, templates for emails and notifications, and even presentations. Everything is thought out here-from the screen saver before the lesson to the slide with homework.

Date: 08/12/2020

By: Hortloolfem

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Date: 08/12/2020

By: SandraCanna

Subject: WeChat TikTok beartai Weekly#32


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